Sunday, April 6, 2008

Planning: NOT going it alone

Back months ago when we first started talking about this Africa trip, my brother Fred also really wanted to go. But logistically it just didn't work out for him to come on the one-week trip to South Africa. So here I was, this afternoon, sitting here thinking about the prospects of being totally by myself on this private exclusive photo safari, with nobody else there who would be as wide-eyed and astounded as I expect to be, nobody who would also be thinking (0r saying) "Wow..."

And it occurred to me that even though Fred couldn't come on the one week trip to South Africa, maybe, just maybe, he could work it out to come along on the next part of the trip, to Botswana and Victoria Falls.

So I dropped him a quick email... you wanna come? It took him about as long as it took me initially to say I wanted to go... about a nanosecond to say yes. So I'm not going to go alone on this trip! It'll be terrific to be surrounded by brothers on the whole adventure -- Evan in South Africa, and Fred in Botswana and Victoria Falls.

Now to move ahead with the rest of the planning... next, checking references.

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